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Parent Teacher communication is vital to your child's continued success in school. There is a parent information center located in the front office of each school that displays lunch menus, field trips, chaperone lists, articles, newsletters and other informational items for families. Each classroom also has a parent information board displaying lesson plans for the week and volunteer opportunities. Families are also encouraged to sign up for our Teaching Strategies GOLD online communication system. This program allows families to observe their child's progress and communicate with teachers about child assessment reports and goals for the year. To learn more about how this online communication system works please click the link below. 



Helpful Links

The Illinois Child Care Assistance Program makes it possible for families who qualify to receive financial assistance in paying for child care. Parents must meet the State of Illinois’ income and family size guidelines. To learn more please click on the link below. 

Need to view your account or make a payment? No problem, click on the  LOGIN button to access your account

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